In this tale of magical reality, Olivia departs this world and trips into her own psyche, a community she's built called Careful Thought. Join Olivia's enchanting time and place as she encounters her inner beings who have come to life. "If you want to know yourself, you have to sift through the evidence. And believe me," she promises, "the evidence is everywhere." In the town of Careful Thought you are, by turns, charmed, amazed, enlightened, confronted by a past deeply held and finally faced with a once-in-a-lifetime choice.
Olivia paints for you her climactic journey to Self, sparking your imagination to embark upon one of your own. Whimsy, humor, compassion and introspection join you for this poignant and uplifting ride, encouraging you all the while to spend some time in Careful Thought.
Copyright Discovery Association Publishing House. All rights reserved.